Well finally, let’s just be truly honest and admit it. This whole ‘unity in diversity’ fairy tale is going horribly wrong. We have to be one of those societies in the world that is most prone to discriminatory behavior. We must be a country that is totally committed to keeping the ‘other’ at bay, constantly harping at the ‘separateness’ of people, and manifesting this in small and big ways, subtle and overt actions, and sometimes in ugly, inhuman and violent ways. Mumbai and its recent display of brute politics cannot have us believe any other way. We’ve just had enough of this feel good sloganeering that we are a tolerant society. Are we, really? And I’d go a step further, tolerance is hardly enough; it is a word that is built upon difference rather than sameness and stinks of being on the brink of tipping over into intolerance. One tolerates pain, because there is nothing else one can do about it. Tolerate the pain till it leaves your body. Grin and be...