finally, let’s just be truly honest and admit it. This whole ‘unity in
diversity’ fairy tale is going horribly wrong.
We have to be one of those societies in the world that is most prone to discriminatory behavior. We must be a country that is totally committed to keeping the ‘other’ at bay, constantly harping at the ‘separateness’ of people, and manifesting this in small and big ways, subtle and overt actions, and sometimes in ugly, inhuman and violent ways.
Mumbai and its recent display of brute politics cannot have us believe any other way.
We have to be one of those societies in the world that is most prone to discriminatory behavior. We must be a country that is totally committed to keeping the ‘other’ at bay, constantly harping at the ‘separateness’ of people, and manifesting this in small and big ways, subtle and overt actions, and sometimes in ugly, inhuman and violent ways.
Mumbai and its recent display of brute politics cannot have us believe any other way.
just had enough of this feel good sloganeering that we are a tolerant society.
Are we, really? And I’d go a step further, tolerance is hardly enough; it is a
word that is built upon difference rather than sameness and stinks of being on
the brink of tipping over into intolerance.
One tolerates pain, because there is nothing else one can do about it. Tolerate the pain till it leaves your body. Grin and bear it. It’s silly to think we are a great nation just because we can do no better than to just, merely tolerate other Indians who are different. Stuff up the tolerance.
One tolerates pain, because there is nothing else one can do about it. Tolerate the pain till it leaves your body. Grin and bear it. It’s silly to think we are a great nation just because we can do no better than to just, merely tolerate other Indians who are different. Stuff up the tolerance.
real and more thorny question is, are we really ‘accepting’ of the other? And
recent events in different parts of the country say it loud and clear, that the
answer is a simple and sometimes almost inaudible no. Every time someone asks
me that ugly question ‘where are you from’ I can almost hear the questioner’s
mind-chatter that is readying itself to define the separateness or the sameness;
and as soon as I provide the answer, I am tagged.
we take the holier than thou position of being a tolerant society, let us not
forget, that tolerance can and does harbor discriminatory beliefs, tolerance can
be a charade. This is an imponderable to some who’d rather hide behind the
comfortable mask of being tolerant, hiding their sniggers and discriminatory
thoughts of ‘we’ are better, but ‘they’ aren’t too bad either.
is merely an act of restraint, of non reaction to stimuli provided by the
‘other’. Acceptance on the other hand is being respectful of differences and
responding to them from the frame of reference of equity. Basic tolerance is
one thing. Real acceptance of and respect for differences is quite another
recent violence in Mumbai against Biharis and people from Uttar Pradesh
(euphemistically called North Indians by the saner voices of the media) has
made a lot of people cringe with shame, as though they were seeing themselves
in those horrifying pictures either as the victim or the aggressor. Observe the
language used in the sloganeering. The word Bihari is almost used as a vile,
vulgar, abuse. The word Bihari has always been used as an abuse, in different
contexts. The word Bihari is hurled at anyone who is seen as weak. Anyone who
looks poor and weak and timid and looking-for-work and not urbane and self
effacing, is called a Bihari. It is amazing that the Biharis have been docile
enough, tolerant enough, weak enough, and strong enough to defy the urge to
hurl back abuses and retaliate with as much venom as they have received bone
shattering, deliberate and painful assault to his/her personal identity.
Biharis have been strong enough not to stoop as low as to retaliate. In some
strange Gandhian way, they have taken in the degrading references to their
identity in their stride, and dare I say so, in their human spirit have emerged
as large receptacles that can truly and humbly accept the grossness of their
fellow countrymen, and even forgiving their aggressors. Raj Thackeray is begging to be forgiven. Vilas
Rao Deshmukh who is on the verge of doing a Modi on ‘north indians’ is begging
to be forgiven. Bertrand Russell would
call it the ‘superior virtue of the oppressed’.
is indeed funny how when people from UP are addressed as ‘Biharis’ they
immediately retort saying they are from UP, and not from Bihar .
Save yourself from anything Bihari, lest the maligned and ridiculed identity of
the Bihari touch you with it’s pooh. Grow up India .
much longer will people have to stand up and get counted for their demand for
basic dignity? I am a woman, I demand my dignity. I am a dalit woman, I want my
place under the sun. I am person with disability, but I can be productive. I am
a person living with HIV, but that does not make me dispensable. I am a tribal,
don’t take away my land. I cannot speak English, but that does not mean I
cannot access higher studies. I am not fair skinned, but that does not mean I
cannot be beautiful. How many of these hands will go up for due attention?
Aren’t we ready yet, as a nation to become more accepting of people who may not
be like ‘us’?
started this article by saying that maybe, despite all the feel good
sloganeering, we are being merely facile when we say we are a tolerant society.
What have we been tolerant about? On an everyday basis, we read about men women
and children being vandalized and brutalized and dehumanized on the basis of
differences. When Laxmi Oraon, an adivasi from Jharkhand is paraded naked in Assam , or a
Bihari taxi driver’s taxi is pulverized in Mumbai, some analysts take the
sublimated view that this is merely an outcome of competition arising from
deprivation. False. Were we an accepting people, nothing would be provocation
enough to commit hate crimes and vandalism against the weakest and the poorest
and the most marginalized. Some eternal optimists or even escapists would say,
the events of hate are far fewer than those occasions where people show
tolerance towards each other. False. Each hate crime, each act of abuse, of
dehumanizing treatment against the weak and poor has an ugly underbelly of
thousands of such acts that have gone unreported, thousands of such acts that
have simmered as possibilities and not found utterance.
a 21st century nation growing for a few at 9%, tolerance just isn’t
enough. As Shah Rukh khan says famously in his TV commercial, ‘we need to wish
for more’.