Dr Binayak Sen in police custody Suddenly the word 'draconian' has come alive for me. Dictionary meaning 'of or relating to Draco, 7th-century Athenian statesman and lawmaker, or his code of laws, which prescribed death for almost every offence'. Dr Binayak Sen meets Draco, in 21st century India. Are they discussing judicial reform? Does a bad judgement have no other reprimand than a better judgement on appeal in a higher court? In every job there are rewards and punishments, but seems like judges are beyond this framework! A bad pilot can kill people and gets punished for it. A bad engineer can kill people and can be punished for it. An incompetent judge (the competence of a judge includes his/her capaicty to maintain integrity) can kill people, can kill hope, can kill sanity, can kill justice, can kill dignity, can kill faith in human compassion, can kill the fundamental premise of democracy, can in fact waste everyone's time wit...