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Showing posts from June, 2015

Why India Needs a Men's Revolution

Transcript of a video for a seminar on " Emancipation of Women - Threat & Challenges" with theme "Men will learn to listen" - organised by the PUCL at Jamshedpur Women's College, Jamshedpur. Good evening everyone! And my greetings to everyone there! It is indeed a great pleasure to be speaking to my friends in Jamshedpur, a city that I owe everything to. I have been requested to speak on the issue of women’s emancipation and in that context about whether men should be listening more, indeed to other men, and definitely, to women. Because listening, as an exercise, is key to the way we perceive society, it is key to the way we interact and learn from each other, it is a fundamental building block for what we otherwise call respect for each other. The women’s movement was built around listening and through the 70s, till today, if you see women who are empowered and are able to reach out for their potential it is because they have learnt o...