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Showing posts from February, 2015

Want to Prevent an AIDS Resurgencein India? 10 questions the Govt of India should answer

Dear Honourable Members of Parliament and Legislators, As part of the nationwide AIDS Momentum Campaign, we bring to your notice the grave concern of civil society members about the Government of India’s recent approach to our country’s HIV/AIDS prevention and care programme. More than 150 organisations across the country are of the strong view that any move by the government towards shrinking organisational and budgetary support to the AIDS response will lead to a reversal and upsurge of the epidemic among the most vulnerable groups and beyond.

Greenpeace and the battle in India

The anti NGO stand of the Govt of India, egged on by a rabid TV media has revealed more about the Govt than about the motives of the NGO in question, or those like them. 1- It has revealed that the Govt will do anything, including pulverising citizens rights, if the interests of corporates seem in danger. The Greenpeace activism had the potential to harm the Adani like entities. 2- It has revealed that the Govt has such shoddy relations with its counterparts in the developed world th at an NGO activists foriegn visit seems like a threat. Wasted foreign trips by Modi. 3- It has revealed that the Govt will hide behind the argument of energy security of India to support the energy giants and mining giants. All this, while the poor who are purportedly the beneficiaries of this future 'energy security' may be annihilated in the process. 4- It has revealed that while the Govt finds it laudable to beg the developed countries for FDI , foreign funding for NGOs is 'slave...